Harwich LV18 Mi Amigo

Christmas 2023 Launch

Our launch weekend (Christmas 2023) is now over but we continue to broadcast via our stream 24/7 with a mix of pre-recorded original programming from a large number of DJs.
Currently that mix is semi-random but will shortly settle into a set pattern – watch this space! We are also planning more live events throughout 2024 and beyond.
Many thanks to all the DJs who have contributed to our programming.

Our schedule for our launch weekend is below:

XMAS EVE : Live Launch event
Midday – Live Launch – Garry Lee
1pm  Paul Windsor
2pm  Gordon Bathgate
3pm  Neon Nancy
5pm  Olly Kinvig
7pm  Garry Lee’s Stonehenge Disco
Midnight  Kev Ellis
1am  Jim Fourniadis
2am Tim Rice
5am  Rick Marks
7am Chris Cooper
8am  Olly Kinvig
10am  Jeff Martin
Midday  Paul Windsor
1pm  Rick Marks
2pm  Neon Nancy
4pm  The Radio East Boys (40 years reunion)
5pm  Kevin Matthews
6pm  Chris Morgan
7pm  Garry Lee’s Stonehenge Disco
10pm  Chris B & Friends
Midnight – 2am   Chris Morgan


Press Release (December 2023):


Radio Mi Amigo, from the historic Lightvessel LV18 on Harwich Quay, is returning to the air on Christmas Eve and will continue on a permanent basis through the New Year. The station will be bringing the sounds and spirit of the original radio pirates back to their roots of Harwich.


Returning to the floating newly-installed studios are Garry Lee, Neon Nancy, Chris Cooper and the Reverend Rabbit as well as many new DJs who are broadcasting in support of the Pharos Trust charity, which owns the LV18.


Tony O’Neil, Chairman of the Pharos Trust, said he was excited to bring a nostalgic ‘retro’ sound to Harwich once again and appreciated all who were giving their time and expertise towards the project.

The Pharos Trust, Registered UK charity No. 1090325

Tony O’Neil, Trustee and Station Manager, Tel: 07446 171 320

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