In the last week of August 2024 Radio Seagull in Harlingen, NL, marked the decision of 31 August 1974 by the Netherlands government to shut down the remaining Dutch ship-based radio stations. That day Radio North Sea Intl, Radio Veronika and Radio Atlanta fell silent.
Many of the regular LV18 DJs were on board the LV8 Jenni Baynton in Harlingen Harbour, NL, marking the 50 year anniversary of an important but sad event in Dutch radio history. This special broadcast on Radio Seagull concluded 6am (BST) Saturday 31 August.
Radio Mi Amigo relayed the overnight Radio Seagull shows via this site.
Mandy Marton, on LV8, said: “Two super Radio lightships, LV8 Radio Seagull & LV18 Mi Amigo are united together commemorating 50 years since the the day the music died, we’re continuing the good old days by Rocking the boat and the airwaves! “