Mi Amigo Special shows

Mi Amigo Specials

Starting from Wednesday 12 March we are showcasing a special show each week, with a mix of brand new and archive productions.

Starting these specials this Wednesday, at 8pm, is Kevin Dinnigan’s UK No 1s of the 1960s.

This show is repeated the following Monday at 9pm.

DJs Mi Amigo Special shows

Monday … Monday … So good to you!

Our full Monday schedule includes a host of fresh shows, including 3 specials!

0700 & 1300 Jeff Martin
0800 & 1400 Robin Dee
0900 & 1500 Kevin Dinnigan
1000 & 1600 Gordon Bathgate
1100 & 1700 Steve Jenner
1200 & 1800 Ian Chambers

1900 & 0100 Steve Jenner’s Before Offshore
2000 & 0200 Ian Chambers’ Album Years
2100 & 0300 Mi Amigo Special Hour
2200 & 0400 Chris Morgan Overnight
2300 & 0500 Rick Marks Overnight
0000 & 0600 Chris Cooper Overnight