Radio Advertising


We’ll be contacting previous clients soon about advertising on Radio Mi Amigo this year, but we welcome any new enquiries from companies or individuals. Radio advertising needn’t be expensive!

Please note  all rates are currently being revised!

Are you interesting in advertising on Radio Mi Amigo or sponsoring a show?

A basic spot duration is 30 seconds, other durations are pro rata

  • 20 spots =
  • 50 spots =
  • 100 spots =
  • 200 spots =

Sponsorship entitles the advertiser to their name in the programme title, a reference to their product/service in the opening and closing of the show and spot advertisements every half hour during the show:

  • Weekend sponsorship (2 programmes) =
  • Weekday sponsorship (5 programmes) =

Additionally, Show Sponsors and those buying 200 spots will also have their logo or other suitable graphic (if supplied) included on the front page of this website.

Contact Tony O’Neil on the ship for details, call on 07446171320 or visit the ship between 10am & 4pm.